A couple of years ago, I made some videos for friends about working with falsetto exercises. I have just made them publicly available on my website for the first time.…
Tag: registration
The term “register” in voice teaching is used many different ways. In general, a register is a group of pitches that have something in common, which is usually compared to…
There are singers and teachers who say “Men sing in chest voice throughout their whole range. They do not use falsetto in performance”. Oh boy. I look up performance clips…
I thought it would be interesting to compare mouth opening shape and degree between classical tenors and musical theatre belters. In both tenor acuti and belting, vowels are rather open,…
In a Facebook forum recently a “teacher” (looking at her page I saw no qualifications) asked the question: “Can someone give me examples of popular commercially successful male singers that…
I felt it best to make a video for this point. I looked at many of the Youtube videos that deal with this question, and I found most of them…
On a singers board recently, my advice to a tenor with squeezing and pushing problems that he needs to work with falsetto exercises has met with a lot of resistance.…
When a boy’s voice changes, the larynx’s sudden growth brings in new low notes and upsets the vocal coordination that may have existed previously. It is not uncommon for a…
It seems to now be a majority view (with which I agree) that there are two primary registers in the human voice based on the primary underlying mechanics – a…
If we stick with Garcia’s definition of “register” as tones following a similar mechanical principle, then we have the chest (thyroarytenoid dominant) and the falsetto (cricothyroid-dominant), and that middle area…
First: Laryngeal height The way to balance a voice has often been described as a “balancing act” between the “stretcher muscles” (cricothyroid) and the “closer muscles” (mostly thyroarytenoid). This is…