When you are about to warm up – whether it’s for practice, rehearsing, or performing – start by making sounds with your voice. It doesn’t have to be a song,…
Tag: pace
Before you can do anything well, you must concentrate. You must still the mind in order to use the mind. In the Age of Anxiety we are in a mode…
The way that the accompaniment to a vocal exercise is played matters a lot. The biggest problem I hear with young or insensitive teachers is rushing. The second biggest problem…
When you are in a lesson or coaching, and have a question, ask it! Never be afraid to try to improve your understanding. Even the most articulate, thorough, well-spoken, right-as-rain…
Empirical: “1. originating in or based on observation or experience” and “2. relying on experience or observation alone often without due regard for system and theory” – merriam-webster.com It is…
It is wonderful to find an authority, someone from whom you feel that you have much to learn. Perhaps this mentor is the most knowledgeable, wise, and effective teacher you ever had.…
When I was studying for my music education degree, I took a course in which I learned about the concept of “spiral curriculum”. The idea is that a subject is…
There are hundreds of articles, chapters, and videos about breathing for singers. How about breathing for the teacher? Specifically, how about breathing while the teacher is listening to the student?…
This is a topic more for teachers than students, perhaps, but it’s important for both. I frequently hear or watch snippets of voice lessons. Some of these are clips that…